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Emergency Exits in Tunnels
Emergency Exits in Tunnels
Emergency Exits in MRT Rolling Stock
Emergency Exits in MRT Rolling Stock

What should you do if a metro train breaks down in between stations? In this area, you’ll experience how to evacuate through the emergency exit located in the driver’s cabin, as well as see the tracks at close range.Here, you will be allowed to touch all the DO NOT TOUCH objects within stations and on metro trains, including the emergency intercom, Emergency Stop Button, Emergency Door Release, and On-board Emergency Phone.
Emergency Exits at MRT Stations/001/Upload/620/relpic/23901/21324/23046d3e-deab-4b63-943d-14886b3d830a.jpg

You will have no problem escaping from a station during a fire as long as you follow all the instructions and keep as low as possible.